Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Excerpt 38 Lunness

 The years between 1948 and 1968 witnessed significant events; some life-shattering. The Korean War, Hurricane Hazel, Vietnam, the Avro Arrow, and the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Bobby, and John F. Kennedy all shaped an era: smartphones, laptops, tablets, flat-screen

TVs did not exist. However, the impact of television on our home lives and our conversations was dynamic.

Music and movies informed how we dressed; what we talked about and the games we played. There is a movie Avalon, which I will return to in the chapter on television, that sums up how family life could have changed.

TV Trays and dinners became common. Our Friday or Saturday night dinners shifted from the dining room to the living room where we watched TV while we ate.

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Release Date

 My intent is to complete and publish 38 Lunness by mid-October this year. I will provide updates and other related information here, so sta...