Monday, April 13, 2020

38 Lunness Rd.

Good day, I have begun a book which I am titling 38 Lunness.  Why? In June 1948, my family, Mom, Dad and I moved to 38 Lunness Rd after living with Dad's parents for my first 13 months. The years 1948 to 1968 were formative years for myself and for the world. The book, while focusing on Lunness and Alderwood will look at cultural events, such as music, movies and, yes, politics. These cultural journeys will be short but I feel they will place my memories into a greater context.

I plan to post regular updates here, seeking your comments, concerns and questions.

 Photo courtesy of the Etobicoke Historical Society

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Release Date

 My intent is to complete and publish 38 Lunness by mid-October this year. I will provide updates and other related information here, so sta...