Tuesday, April 14, 2020

38 Lunness: Intro.

These are the first paragraphs of my book, 38 Lunness. Still, a long way to go but getting help from Etobicoke Historical Society and others. All will be acknowledged in the book.

"I never thought I’d have a heart attack. But my body disagreed. One night, in early January, about 3:12 am. I could not breathe. My wife, immediately, dialled 911. The paramedics arrived quickly and saved my life.

Sixteen days later, after a triple bypass, I was home. I do not recall the first two days at home. I do remember the fear that assaulted me when I first laid down. As soon as my eyes closed, fear woke. The dread dissipated when my partner of 41 years, Jocelyn, talked with me. Together we walked around singing Bob Marley’s, “Three little birds”.

I begin this tale with this because, during the first week, a major change took place. My life and future health are now intrinsically linked to medication.  I was sitting at my dresser, where the bottles were lined up like Nutcrackers soldiers and a memory broke, like an angry wave cascading through my whole body.  A connection awakened." 

 Etobicoke Historical Society

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Release Date

 My intent is to complete and publish 38 Lunness by mid-October this year. I will provide updates and other related information here, so sta...