Saturday, May 21, 2022

38 Lunness: The Beginning

38 Lunness: 1948-1968

An Awakening:

For a moment, a flash, a splash in time, I saw my father standing beside me.  Six weeks prior, my heart also surprised me, presenting me with a heart attack.

We walk around confident we have a firm grip on matters and then wham, all changes.

There were warning signs which I stupidly and dangerously ignored. Then one night I could not breath.  My screams for help yanked my wife, Jocelyn, from her usual deep sleep. She quickly called the paramedics.

I could not hear the paramedics as they came up the stairs. My own screams covered all other sounds.  Fortunately, within seconds of their arrival I was breathing. They saved my life that day and my gratitude is eternal. 

A few weeks later, I was sitting at my dresser, sorting my medication, when I sensed a calming presence. I looked up. It was three am. Jocelyn was quietly sleeping.

 There a few feet away was my father, Sydney Edwin Ewing, simply watching me.

Wonder and calm flowed through me like a gentle breeze caressing the trees.

An awareness broke free as appreciation and understanding momentarily flooded my mind.

Dad had had open-heart surgery in the early 1960s. He recovered and eventually returned to work for the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). He drove the King Steet car and then worked in the booth in the Subway system.

Mom and dad were avid gardeners. They spent hours in the yard tending the flowers, irises, hollyhocks, and tomatoes are remembered=ed fondly. Both my sister, Marlene, and I followed them. After the surgery, he never reclaimed his gard 

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Release Date

 My intent is to complete and publish 38 Lunness by mid-October this year. I will provide updates and other related information here, so sta...