Sunday, March 20, 2022

The Pandemic

 The inspiration for 38 Lunness arrived just before the Covi-19 pandemic was announced. Two years later the book has shifted but still evolving. The inspiration that provoked the book is connected to my father...

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Three AM.

 ..."medication, when I sensed a calming presence. I looked up. It was three am. Jocelyn was quietly sleeping.

 There a few feet away was my father, Sydney Edwin Ewing, simply watching me.

Wonder and calm flowed through me like a gentle breeze caressing the trees. 

An awareness broke free as appreciation and understanding momentarily flooded my mind." from 38 Lunness

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Top Songs 1964

 The 60s were a fabulous music era. Here is one version of the top 100 songs of 1964. Which songs stand out for you?

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Alderwood Collegiate Institute.

Six years at Alderwood Collegiate (ACI) simply because geometry did not like me. Year two and geometry was gone. Replaced by the New Math.  

I had an 8 or 8:15 slot for this New stuff, I think. I was used to getting to school at that time because a few of my teachers determined I was detention material. They were right. I made good use of that time. more coming in 38 Lunness.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Mom and the Rat

 One day, when I was still in my carriage, as Mom told the tale,  I was outside close to the backdoor where Mom could watch me through the kitchen window, Scrappy, our dog, began barking.

Scrappy rarely barked but that is another story. Mom looked out the window and saw Scrappy grab a rat that was climbing up my carriage,  When Mom got outside, the dog was shaking that rat around. 

I loved that dog.

Release Date

 My intent is to complete and publish 38 Lunness by mid-October this year. I will provide updates and other related information here, so sta...